Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life. Proverbs 4:23

June 14, 2010

Unconditional Love -- Part One

I know this is super long, but it is super worth it. This is a chapter out of a book that I have held near and dear to my heart for a while now. Such truth! Bear with me now.

Unconditional Love – Chapter 5 – “Grace” by Bob Lenz
The unconditional love of God: It’s more than a theology to be studied, more than a doctrine to be understood. It’s a subject that can’t fully be comprehended. It’s better than any romance movie. It’s what our hearts long for, that there is a person at the center of this truth, of this theology. A belief that He is also the creator of the universe and that He is, in reality, pursuing me. That makes my mind spin. Here is a collage of my thoughts and hopes, a collection of my internal conversations and spiritual interactions, hoping to allow my spirit and soul to encounter God’s love, moving beyond just theory, to experiencing it firsthand. I hope the same for you as you read it. I pray you come face to face with Him and His unconditional love.
Unconditional Love…
Too good to be true.
But it is. Only in fairy tales.
Not so.
What’s the catch?
Beyond my wildest dreams.
But it’s in real life.
For others, but not me.
Called you by name.
Can’t be.
Won’t last.
Yes, forever.
What are the odds?
Sure thing.
What must I do?
A love without conditions.
No strings attached.
Known, understood, wanted, chosen,
Pursued, the apple of His eye!
His cherished possession.
His treasure.
Accepted for who I am.
Forgiven for what I’ve done.
Not wanted for what I have.
Not picked for my accomplishments.
Welcomed just as I am.
Not chosen because of my talents.
Embraced in my undeservedness.
Not His by my own doing.
Secure by His promise.
These words are mine because of
Unconditional love:
Loving kindness

Unconditional love…
My goodness didn’t earn it!
My sinfulness cannot lose it!

Unconditional love…
My knowledge did not obtain it.
My foolishness couldn’t misplace it.

Unconditional love…
My desire didn’t possess it.
My carelessness can’t undo it.

Unconditional love…
My righteousness didn’t merit it.
My selfishness didn’t cancel it.

Unconditional love…
My prayer didn’t deserve it.
My lust didn’t nullify it.

Unconditional love…
My integrity didn’t secure it.
My wandering didn’t invalidate it.

Unconditional love…
My serving didn’t attain it.
My murderous thoughts couldn’t stop it.

Unconditional love…
My Bible reading didn’t acquire it.
My doubt didn’t withdraw it.

Unconditional love…
My religion didn’t reach it.
My idolatry didn’t restrain it.

Unconditional love…
My tithing didn’t buy it.
My jealousy didn’t negate it.

Unconditional love…
My obedience could not obtain it.
My anger did not repress it.

Unconditional love…
My kindness did not win it.
My drunkenness did not destroy it.

Unconditional love…
My self control did not reach it.
My fornication and adultery did not cancel it.

Unconditional love…
My church attendance wasn’t payment for it.
My absence didn’t dispose of it.

Unconditional love…
My commitments didn’t warrant it.
My divorce didn’t annul it.

Unconditional love…
My contentment didn’t coax it.
My anxieties didn’t scare it away.

Unconditional love…
My meditation couldn’t realize it.
My strife didn’t interrupt it.

Unconditional love…
My vows didn’t justify it.
My shame could not hide it.

Unconditional love…
My best cannot deserve it.
My worst has not, and will not destroy His love for me.

I am unconditionally loved…period.
Case closed!
Verdict given!
It is finished!
Done deal.
No appeals!
Proclaimed as fact!

Unconditionally loved?
Face it!
Deal with it!
Reject it if you will, but that doesn’t change the fact…
You are loved.
By faith, receive it.
Believe it.
Count on it.
By faith, cling to it.
Repeat it.
Proclaim it.
Trust it.
Enjoy it.
By faith, sing of it.
Dance because of it.
Shout it!
Let that truth of love free you!
Fill you!
Forgive you!
Let it empower you,
Enrich you.
Encourage you!
Let it help you,
Hold you,
Give you hope!

Unconditional love…

There is nothing quite like unconditional love. Once I tasted it, nothing could ever satisfy me again…as if it ever really satisfied me before. At times I thought I felt satisfied, well at least in part. But it never lasted; it was only a partial, temporary fulfillment. You know? Like…
From the respect of recognition…to the accomplishment.
From the commendation of conquest…to the pride of possessions.
All fades in importance when I’m searching for what matters most.
All the things of earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace…
Unconditional love.

It comes down to relationships. Relationships are what matter, what count.
From fun fellowship, to the depth of friendship.
From the heart of a parent, to the bond of siblings.
From daily companionship, to the intimacy of lovers in marriage.
Relationships, for all they were meant to be and mean to us, even at their best are only a shadow, a fraction, an imperfect, tainted replica of what is meant to be with HIM. At it’s best…our hearts really long for, were designed for, and will only be fulfilled with…unconditional love.

But then, I need to be realistic and return to earth where I live. To me, even an imperfect, tainted replica of real love is more than I ever allow myself to dream of, or fantasize about, much less hope or long for.
Leave that to the young and foolish, the writers of fiction. Or, to be perfectly honest, leave it to the few, the brave, the chosen, the Jones’, or…the delusional.

For what was meant to be in relationships in my life is not only imperfect, but it’s broken into pieces beyond recognition to the natural eye. Dreams shattered into slivers so small no one by any condition would deem worthy,or of value, or of any dignity. Who would want what I have?

Yet I can’t face this reality. I can’t handle this.
The lack of purpose. The lack of meaning!
There must be more – more to this life.
Is this what it’s all about?
The search intensifies. I must find something, some ONE.
The hunger grown sand my pace is accelerated out of a need to belong.
My thirst is exaggerated to where my wants are mixed up with my need, and my life becomes busier and busier in pursuit of the American Dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
I’ve never had so much, yet felt so depleted.
Never have I been so surrounded by so many people and felt so alone.
Never have I had so much to do, yet felt so little sense of contentment.

The vain pursuit of accomplishment and possessions make me cry out as a leech, crying for more…
The wages of sin is…more!
Because it’s never enough.
SIN equals Still In Need
Never satisfied.


These are the words that now describe my soul, my being.
I’m reduced to just a human doing. My wants now own me.
I’m an apprentice to the Trumps of society, only to leave us both bankrupt once again with my cry for “luck to be a lady tonight” going unanswered yet again.
Yet I hear society cheering me on…
“Don’t give up!”
“Believe in yourself.”
“You can do it!”
“Stay positive.”
“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

So I muster up all I have left that resembles hope…a little more guarded, protected, cautious. I call it wisdom from the school of hard knocks.
If I were honest…
I’d call it desperate.
Now I live in a fantasy of the future saying,
This time it will work…
This person is different.
This church.
This job.
This marriage.
This pregnancy.
This town.
This friendship.
In search of peace, hope, love.


  1. CASEY! Thank u for posting this, I absolutely love it! seriously powerful...wow needed to read it! I love u!

  2. Great stuff! I always have wondered what was in that book, you always seem to talk about it. So thanks for sharing this great wisdom. Hope everything gets better for you!

    Much love!!!
