Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life. Proverbs 4:23

June 20, 2010

Sharp Rocks and Poisonous Snakes

Yesterday on behalf of my friend's 21st bday, a group of us went river tubing for SEVEN hours at the Guadalupe River. It was a ton of fun.

Pro: My tan doubled.

Con: My butt hurts, due to the sharp rocks under the rapids. You might be thinking, "Ouch!" And you are more than correct.

We were planning to set out around 1-2pm, but didn't actually until a little after 3. Add that to about six hours in the water, and you get = after dark. Okay, so I learned something yesterday. Please do not judge, and no laughing allowed. You see, still water mixed with dark equals snakes. And in Texas, poisonous snakes. The particular section of the river that we went tubed on, was the first for all of us, and it was much more still than any of us anticipated. Toward the end, we all tredded water for at least a good two or three hours (give or take a rapid here and there). Anyways, back to the point. The sun was seriously setting, it was getting cold, and there was about another two-three hundred feet or so. We had ten minutes... and made it just in the nick of time. Yessssssss.

Moral of story: I would definitely do it again.

1 comment:

  1. hey Casey! I just wanted to let you know that I'm enjoying your updates about your life in Texas! I'm praying for you!

