Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life. Proverbs 4:23

January 18, 2011

Beauty Times Five and On

I've come to a conclusion that I am over-due the "get caught up on blogging" date, so here's my plan. I'm gonna give a few highlights from the past how-ever-long it's been since my last update, and then take it from today forward -- to continue toward my 60 day mark. I realize that I will be several days behind the rest of the crew, but for my own sanity, and as a result of not having kept up with day-to-day entries, this will have to suffice. I send my sincerest apologies.

Wednesday December 22nd -- Day 21
-There is an adventurous side of beauty when it comes to getting lost. This was my one and only Wednesday morning open during my break in Wisconsin, so it worked out perfectly when my lovely Danielle, mostly known as Dmode, suggested a coffee date. Planning on getting to our beloved Black Canyon no later than 9am didn't exactly go down as we had hoped -- she didn't even make it to my place until closer to 10am! Another side of the beauty that I saw in this was how my anticipation grew with each second that passed, to see Dmode's beautiful face and have a humungo hug!

Thursday, December 23rd -- Day 22
-This was the day to visit my dad. I had invited Amanda to go with, as she is registered and has gone with my grandma and I in the past. It had been almost two years since I had seen him last, so it wasn't the most ease-filled time ever, especially on the drive there.What stuck out to me the most, besides me never seeing my dad with a beard before, was how he looked so much older. Okay, the beard may have contributed a bit to that also. BUT, he had wrinkles. My dad has a great smile, and so I've always known him to have "squinty eyes" from his charming smile, but there was more. The whole concept of him having wrinkles just stuck to me. I couldn't get it out of my mind. Some might say not, but I think there is a natural beauty that comes with age. And, I think he may have shrunk a bit, or maybe I just got taller!

Friday, December 24th -- Day 23
-Christmas Eve! I spent the night at my mom's apartment with two of my half-siblings, and my mom's mom (grandma Calista). The following morning some of my cousins came over. I remember growing up being constantly teased, not to mention tickled by Ryan and Jonathan. I always looked up to them being SO much older than me, but now it's interesting, since it's more of a level ground. Ryan is 22 and Jonathan is 27. Some of my best friends are those ages. Jonathan is a single dad raising his son, Ethan. The most beautiful moment of that day was when I was sitting next to Jonathan and Ethan came over and ran himself into us. Jonathan just started sharing, "Man, I love this guy. But, man we've been through some tough days." He went on to share about how his girlfriend, Ethan's mother up and left them, and they're trying to make it on their own. I was so surprised by his openness, even though his being tipsy may have contributed, but nonetheless, it caused my heart to break for him.

Saturday, December 25th -- Day 24
-CHRISTMAS day. I have a beautiful family, 'nuff said.

Sunday, December 26th -- Day 25
-I went to Westbrook and was able to catch up with two of my old youth pastors. Phil Schank and Greg Marshall. That was SUCH a blessing. Greg left such an impression on me, as we were in the middle of a conversation, and he just stopped, looked at me and spoke, "Wow, it is SO good to see you." Talk about catching me off-guard. I love these two guys. God has used them in tremendous and beautiful ways throughout my life.

The next three-ish weeks consisted of spending New Years in Kansas City, MO, bunking with Karleen for a few nights in Indiana at the Greeney's and going on wild adventures, starting up my fourth semester at Bethel, and getting over 36 inches of snow in one weekend.

Now it's mid-January of 2011. Let the blogs re-begin.

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