Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life. Proverbs 4:23

December 4, 2010

Something Beautiful #1

Anyone else a fan of NeedToBreathe's Something Beautiful? Check out their exclusive acoustic set.

As I mentioned in my previous post, my friend Tiffany gave me the nudge to join in on this Beauty Project. After I got thinking, that in and of itself ended up being a pretty beautiful sequence of events. Let me explain.

Last night was the opening for Bethel's Christmas Concert performances. My roomie and I made a date out of it, and it was awesome. In fact, I have a new favorite Christmas song, which coming from not the biggest Christmas music fan, is a HUGE deal. A Baby Changes Everything. Okay, back on track! After the concert I said my hellos to friends in the show and headed on back to my room. I almost instantly had this heaviness come over me, and I still am not able to pin-point it. I thought for a moment. Most of my friends were out with their friends and family, so I could write one of my many papers due in the next couple weeks, or call it an early night. But no, I was just too restless. With two journals, a book, and Bible in hand, I journeyed over to Shiloh, our prayer chapel here on Bethel's campus. I just needed to breathe and was majorly craving some uninterrupted silence with Jesus.

It must have been about 15 minutes after I was doing my thing in Shiloh, singing and praying choruses on the keyboard, that I heard the door handle crack. On came in Tiffany. She started laughing and asked me what was up. "No joke", she said and then went on to share that she too had this restlessness in her, and God told her to go to Shiloh. If anyone was in there then she knew she was supposed to talk with them, and if not, then to be with Jesus, just them two. We just chilled and shared for a while until a few other people came in for Friday Night Worship time. What to do now, we thought. Hmm.

Her first thought was to see what awkward couple was hangin' in Egle Hall, but then mentioned that we could even go off campus. Bubble Tea, I immediately thought! So what the heck, we went on a little late night adventure across town.

I had just been at Bubble Tea a couple nights ago with some Epic friends, and had become converted to a new flavor. From Strawberry/Pineapple to Vanilla. So worth it. Waiting for our drinks, we played some Connect Four, which I was very serious about by the way.

I dominated, of course :) After her first sip of Bubble Tea goodness EVER, Tdawg and I spent a few moments marveling about the chewy"ness" of the pearls. Mmm.

All in all, a beautiful night it was. We even sat chatting in her car for a while after, creeping on silly couple crazies and the like.

PS -- today we went out to lunch and ran errands, haha! 

God is the Maker and Giver of beautiful friendships. Thank you God, for allowing our paths to intersect, and for setting up Tdawg in my life.

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