Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life. Proverbs 4:23

December 4, 2010

And He Wept: Dec. 1st

Weeping, sobbing, letting it all out, is one of the most beautiful things to me. Skateboarding. Not as naturally and obviously "beautiful" to me, but this past week became one of the more beautiful topics of discussion.

It was Wednesday night -- worship team practice. After some Little Caesar's pizza on make-shift (napkin) paper plates, and delicious Tomato and Basil potato chips (they're like eating veggies!), the crew headed up stairs for some week-sharing and prayer time.

One of the guys started sharing about how he's been in the process of launching a business focused on building and selling skateboards. His purpose is to give away 50% of what he makes, which seems unrealistic and foolish, but it's been a vision from God. He needed to have $5,000 pledged on this specific "kickstarter" website, in order for the funds to come through. If he was $1 short, he wouldn't see a dime. He continued sharing the depth of his passion, and how through this time of uncertainty, he has grown closer in his walk with God (over the past 20 days) than in his entire life. He started to weep. "Even if the funds don't come through tonight at midnight, there is no way that God isn't going to get the glory," he shared from the core of his heart. THAT was beautiful!

We all came together as a family and prayed together and for each other. So meaningful. One of the things I also love so much about our practices, is that they are often so much more. Our "practice" is an offering to God; not just on Sunday mornings.

After a great night at practice, a few of us topped it off with some Bubble Tea -- the best! I think it's becoming a tradition?

God, I thank you for beauty in surrender. Continue pouring your blessings over Peter and the passions that you have given him.

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