Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life. Proverbs 4:23

December 10, 2010

"Protect" - Beauty Project #6

My mentor is really good at this. Protecting time.

If she says she is going to devote her day to her sister, then not just anything is going to come in-between that. If she made plans to talk to her parents overseas via phone, then she usually drops whatever she may be involved with in order to do so. Of course, this may not always be appropriate in certain situations, but the gist of it is that when she makes a decision, she sticks to it.

I've actually been having this conversation with my roomie lately, about needing to keep our relationship fresh (even though we live together), through being intentional about having time just for us to do random, crazy, adventurous, laid-back, "anything and everything" type things together, and to PROTECT it. To guard it. To me, there is beauty in that.

Last night after a few hours of "studying" at Notre Dame with some awesome gals, it's not that we didn't want to include everyone for our "date night", we just knew that we between us we needed to stick to what we talked about. At the risk of seeming exclusive and rude, we hope that as we start incorporating this discipline more into our lives, as it was intriguing and even attractive to us through my mentor, that maybe others will take notice as well. And what a night it was; just so good to be together.


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