Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life. Proverbs 4:23

August 15, 2010

It..... Makes Me Want To SHOUT!

You know... Shout, the stuff that comes in spray bottles?

Anyway, today I spent the afternoon talking with and relaxing with God. At one point I was cloud gazing and no joke saw one that was a spray bottle! God was saying to me, "I'm spraying you with my Spirit!" I thought that was crazy -- Spirit Spray!! Haha.

Well, He certainly never gets old.

Also, I read a quote earlier from one of my old teachers:

"It's part of our duty as humans to spread joy." ~Ms. Kean

(The whole "makes me wanna shout" and then "shout for joy" made me think of it, hahaha!)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, clouds are such beautiful things. God should have shouted you with rain. ;)
    Keep running the race for the prize, sisther!

    I liked the thing you said in your last blog: The good, bad, and the ugly.

    Love you!
