Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life. Proverbs 4:23

July 8, 2010

I'm Dangerous

So, over this past weekend at the lake house in Franklin, TX with my host family, I learned something about myself.

I am dangerous.

Now, to those of you who know me well this may not come at too much of a surprise. After all, you probably has associated the words: clutzy, dainty, clumsy, distracted, etc.... at some point in our friendship. You can now add dangerous. Hmm.

My roomie and I had marvelous moments together and plenty of obnoxious laughing sprouts -- yes, this is true. On the flip side, here goes it...

Day Two: went TUBING! This is always a ton of fun, and there was even a gorgeous rainbow that decided to make itself known while we were dodging waves. At one moment, I was so excited that I screamed at the top of my lungs "Look at the rainbow!!" Long story short, I gave Sarah a mild concussion. My distraction turned into a slip, which ended up as a punch in the face, which then led to a bruise, and finally led to loss of vision for roughly 10 seconds. Oops. Oh, but that's not all. Before we even started, I shared with Sarah that if I was going down, she was going down with me. Well......... as my right hand slipped off the grip, I grabbed her leg. I ended up going under -- she survived... with a massive welt on her upper thigh.

Night Three: learned how to ignite lighters and played with sparklers! My sparks got a little carried away and decided to jump onto Sarah. Ouch! Again, oops. Dahhhh....

Okay, are you starting to see the picture?

After a few thoroughly embarrassing moments here and there, I am starting to think we are nearing up on almost even. This is a good feeling.

TaTa for now :)


  1. remember when you hit that bmw with my car door when we parked at the mall?

  2. Oh no! Casey casey, you seem dangerous. Not just in a weird way, but also in the way you love God.
    Please be careful. I tell this all the time to tight ;). I never thought I would have to say that to you too.
