Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life. Proverbs 4:23

March 28, 2010

He Burns Brightly In My Mind

I have so much on my mind right now.

I am really good.
But at the same time I could cry.
And laugh.
And do a dance.
Jump up and down and scream into a pillow.
And go for a run.

I feel so overly thankful and astonished, yet lovey dovey, and also to the point where I long to just dive into my Bible and never have to come out, ever.
Such a safe place.

But I am here and don't get me wrong, I couldn't imagine myself anyplace but where I am right now, but that still doesn't satisfy my craving to be with my Savior. He is so faithful and never lets go. He always keeps His word and never breaks any promises. He doesn't waste anything and has the perfect timing in everything, never ceasing to amaze me with His outstanding creativity and adventurous Spirit. He is so gentle and patient.

And so I wait, to see His face.

He gave me a word yesterday, saying "Quit wasting time!"
At the time I wasn't sure what this meant-- I thought of several different possibilities.
This morning I had a very thick impression that He meant it in the context of people and time and souls and salvation.
He IS coming to marry His bride (that's us!) and He wants us to be ready.

I can't tell you how much time I waste in a day. For that, Lord, I am deeply sorry. Teach me to be intentional with the choices I make and with the relationships that I already have, Lord. I don't ever want to be frustrated with a creation of Yours, or to ever have a conversation in vain. God, may Your fiery Spirit seep through my eyes. Send your words of love and truth flowing through my mouth whenever I speak. Yes, Lord. I say Yes to You and bind up all distractions and fears of man in me through the authority that I have through Your Son Jesus, and by His blood shed on the cross.

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