Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life. Proverbs 4:23

January 12, 2010

Daughter, Come Sit On My Lap

"Come sit on My lap. Breathe. Stop it. You can't impress me. Come be, with Me. Receive all the love I have for you. It's so much better, greater, sweeter and more satisfying than wine! Than anything or anyone your wildest dreams could imagine. Ever. Don't forget. I'm coming for you. You're gonna be My bride! Now, want it."

During my time at IHOP-KC (International House of Prayer- Kansas City) I got prophesied over a few times. A common theme of it was that the season that I’m in right now is to receive all the incredible love God has for me. After all, He's coming to marry us, so He desires for His bride to long for Him in the same way that He longs for His bride! I was told that it is safe for me to trust Him with my memories and that He is keeping a scrapbook of my memories. Also, that He is growing me in leading worship and that He is planting me to pour and invest into where I am right now- meaning Bethel. Bethel is my new "teen center." One night in particular, the IHOP Prayer Room was hosting a special healing and prophecy focused gathering, which is where an older woman prophesied over me. As I was "soaking" in the healing section, she sat down next to me and held me in a tight embrace. She said that she felt like God just wanted me to be still... to not even try and think, or pray; but to receive. She said that she was going to be silent and listen, and then to speak over me the truths that God was revealing.

As time went on, she said that she saw me in a nest. I was a little baby and God was the Papa bird. He was ruffling my feathers and she said that we were uncontrollably laughing in pure joy and enjoying each others company completely. OOOHHHH how incredibly glorious! That is SO amazing! The thought made me breathless at the time, and still kind of does.

The whole concept of God being our Papa, Daddy, Father... whatever you wanna call it... has been hard for me over the years, because of my relationship, or lack there of, with my dad. This has been something that He has been redeeming inside of me the past few years. During my senior year of high school God opened my eyes that my earthly family does NOT define me. It's His love that is my strength, and my identity is that of a Lover, in response to the One who loved me first!

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