Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life. Proverbs 4:23

May 13, 2012

Deeper into Grace

I’ve been living for the past 11 days in a season of rest. It’s been such a beautiful and refreshing thing, which has included much reflecting and pondering about the past year of my life. What I’ve learned, how I’ve been molded and shaped – for the better and for worst. Praising God for the ups and downs, recognizing that the things I have learned and that have been forever added to my person, could not have come in any other shape, form, or timing.

As I think about it, and in a nutshell, this past year has been FULL of incredibly stretching experiences. Just thinking about it causes me to take a deep breath. So many things and people have pushed me in great ways, and because of that, in several ways, I will never be the same. God has been so full of grace in my life. God, thank you for being so gracious. And so gentle and patient with me, although it didn’t always feel like it.

Inspired by Karleen Hallock, I want to highlight a few memories from each month during my junior year at Bethel:

§  August:
o   I moved into Eby – my first house ever in Indiana. Because of RA training, I was all by myself for a week, and night one included no electricity with bright flashes of lightening and rumbling thunder. ‘Twas fun.
o   During move-in day, my roommates and I received a last-minute addition to our house. A Russian roommate. Nelya J
o   Spelunking underneath Eby with the freshman “cousin-boys”
§  September:
o   I learned that in California it is illegal to have a pet fish, because their freedom is restricted by living in a tank.
o   The best communicator I’ve ever witnessed in my life visited Bethel – Sy Rogers. He addresses topics concerning Sex and God, and from his own experience, specifically Homosexuality. My favorite quote from him is, “God would rather have you messy than not at all.”
o   Fall Break: Karleen and I road tripped out to good ‘ole Grabill and hung out with the Smitley’s and some of my favorite kiddos.
o   Was really stretched through the book Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend with my Growth Group at Epic.
§  October:
o   Read through the book Courageous Leadership by Bill Hybels with Karleen.
o   Had lunch dates with Carol Laidig discussing Revelation.
o   Supported my Grabill guys at the Leo Homecoming Football game with CourtChap. And drank the most amazing hot chocolate courtesy of Cathy Merz J
o   Tasted the best white chicken chili I’ve ever had in my life. Thanks Patricia!
§  November:
o   I got my first car. Keeping it classy with a ’93 toyota camry.
o   Was TOTALLY caught off guard when asked for my number by a pizza man while visiting Lisa in Huntington. It’s a fun story, ask me about it sometime.
o   Visited with my cousin Ryan for the first time at Panera in up-state New York while traveling with Sara and Jimi over Thanksgiving break.
§  December:
o   Really challenged by a few thoughts regarding integrity:
§  Acts 4?
§  You must care more about your friends than you do your relationship with them.
§  Oswald Chambers once shared the example: A woman propositioned him, asking for $100. He replied, what about $1. She said, “What kind of a woman do you think I am?” He said, “We’ve already established what type of a woman you are; now we’re just talking price.”
§  Went to the best and first Russian party of my life J Thank you, Nelya!
o   January
§  Spent 5 hours in a car with Matt, having an incredibly challenging conversation that pushed me in so many ways. Because of my time spent with Matt, I was much more driven and passionate throughout my Christian Apologetics class. It also pushed me into some frustration which drove me to pursue meeting with one of my professors to raise up a small group of females on Bethel’s campus who desire to grow intellectually in the areas of apologetics and evangelism. Chad Mesiter is incredible, to say the least. Highlight of my semester for sure!
§  Met Tyler and Talia Andrews from Luke 18 and Acts Church partnered with IHOP in KC, which exploded into such rich times of prayer and worship – uniting Bethel with the surrounding campuses of Notre Dame, IUSB and St. Mary’s.
§  The start of 12 weeks of Financial Peace…
o   February:
§  Started going on Treasure Hunts… ask me about it!
§  The movie Courageous came out – and I’m pretty sure I blew through a minimum of five boxes of tissue (no pun intended…).
§  ConVerge year two. I was a “Genius” but unfortunately not the greatest genius when it came to working the iPad.
§  Spring Break: road trip to northern CALI J Not to mention ate grilled elk steak and went swing dancing in Wyoming. This is a whole blog-post in and of itself.
o   March:
§  Desperation Band came to Bethel to host a night of intercession for our campus and community, as well as encouragement towards and personal testimonies regarding pursuing the face of Jesus.
§  JP Mooreland came to campus – huge for our philosophy department!
§  Dr. Linhart treated Court and me to Fiddler’s Heart in South Bend. One of my new favorites J
o   April:
§  Sent out Darrin’s package!!! HUGE prayers attached. Ask me about this if you want some encouragement.
§  Turned 21 J
§  Went Irish Dancing with Court and Steph in Milwaukee over Easter Break!
§  Keller Park worship nights started with Cam McDaniel and CJ Hock – uniting the local college campuses. So exciting! And in my future home community.
§  Hung out with Denise McKinney at the South Bend Chocolate Café.
§  Worked at ChickaFlicka for a day ;)
§  Went to a monastery and chatted with some monks for a day.  Learned that “A monk is like a pious housewife,” according to GuestMaster William.
§  MANY late nights during the last two weeks of the semester. Survived basically out of three things: many prayers, the OLDIFY app, and two side-kicks.

Right now I find myself in a season of ends. Epic church, community and worship involvement. RA-ing. Spiritual Life Director. Student Council. Student Development Committee. Choir. Living on-campus. Throughout my life, I’ve seen change as a way of God reminding me, “Casey, do not put your trust and dependency in these people, things or organizations.” Also, there are many good things and opportunities in the world. Sometimes you just need to say “no” to another good thing. Specifically with saying my goodbyes at Epic a few weeks ago, I was impressed with God saying to me, “You’ve learned what I’ve had for you here, and now it’s time for you to take that somewhere else.” I could barely hold myself together during the second worship set that I was especially thankful and honored to be a part of during my last Sunday, worshipping, “God, you give and you take away. Lord, blessed be Your name.” I know one thing for sure, I would not be who I am today side from the Epic community and the relationships that God so specifically set up for me there. Thankful just doesn’t seem to express it.

If you made it to the end of this post, congrats!!! I knew it was going to be a long one. And I really do hope to keep up with blogging throughout this summer interning at Nappanee Missionary Church. If you would, keep me in your prayers. I need them greatly. And I always welcome a message or email too – I’d love to hear from you and know how I can be praying specifically for the people in my life.

I will leave you with a thought. In a collection of Brother Lawrence’s writings, Practicing God’s Presence, it says…

It should be no surprise when we go through trouble, temptation, opposition, and denials from other people. Though it seems upside down, we should submit to that kind of grief, taking it on for our own good as long as God pleases. The higher and deeper we want to go with the LORD, the more we’ll need to depend on His grace.

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