Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life. Proverbs 4:23

October 4, 2010

Case Closed.

God alone only truly satisfies, to the core. He is the only one to never let you down, ever. Case closed. He is the Giver of peace, and loves to delight in His children, Beloved, creation. That is you and me. He is not always so much concerned with the outcome, as with the process of getting there. He wants us. Our thoughts, questions, conversation, company, trust, joy and affection. He says Seek me with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. It is there we are in His will. His perfect will. Despite trials, confusion, disappointment, wrong turns, loss, and so forth, it's when we seek Him and look to Him (supremely) as worship and response in the darkness as well as the light, that He desires to pour out hope, grace, satisfaction and bounds of joy.

Abba, the joy of your salvation is my strength. Oh, how you sustain me. Stream living waters through my soul. I thirst for you. Thank you for your ever-present Spirit, always giving me what I need. Always faithful.

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